A barbecue without salads isn't complete and salads are indispensable on a hot day when you don't want to be sweating in the kitchen. You can use most as sidedish but over here in the Netherlands we do serve a salad like the hussar salad, widely garnished with vegetables, egg and various fish as a complete meal. Delicious and fast: a salad with a French bread or ciabatta.







Bell pepper salad

Cucumber salad

Greek farmer salad

Melon with fruit salad

Mushroom salad

Tomato salad photo recipe

Tomato salad Mozzarella

Tropical fruit salad

Chicken salad

Chicken/banana salad

Chicken/melon salad

Chicken/pineapple salad


Hussar salad (Dutch)

Potato herring salad (Dutch)

Pasta salad photo recipe


Crab salad

Herring salad

Maccheroni salad/tuna

Mango salad/shrimps

Salmon salad

Shell shrimp salad

Shell salmon salad

Tuna salad





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