Potato herring salad


500 gr convert conversioncooked potatoes

some gherkins

6 Amsterdam (yellow) onions

2 - 4 tablespoons gherkin vinegar

pepper and salt

3 salt or sour herrings

1 sour apple

(1 green bell pepper)

2 cooked beets


4 tablespoons yogurt, 2 tablespoons lettuce sauce, 1 à 2 tablespoons grated horseradish, salt, freshly ground pepper, sugar, 1 teaspoon dill seed

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's Recipe pages - potato meals, one-pot meals


How to prepare:

Cut the cooled potatoes in cubes and chop gherkins and onions.

Mix in a bowl. Sprinkle with the gherkin vinegar. Let rest for a couple of minutes.

Cut the herring in strips. Grate the apple on a big hole grater. (Half the bell pepper lengthwise. Remove the seeds and chop the bell pepper.)

Cube the beets. Mix everything with the potatoes.

Stir the thin yogurt with the lettuce sauce smooth and make a tasty sauce by adding horseradish, salt, pepper, a pinch sugar and fresh dill seeds.

Fold the sauce carefully into the herring salad.

Let rest for at least an hour, to let the flavours combine.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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