For the mini quiches a muffin pan is essential, but the recipes can be made (unaltered) in a large quiche pan too. In each recipe on this page puff pastry is used but it can be replaced with dough for hearty pies. You can freeze the small pies for use later. Bake first and freeze. From the freezer into the oven at 150°C/300°F, for about 15 minutes.

Other puff pastry recipes (and the puff pastry recipe itself) you'll find over here.



Mini quiches

Mini quiches

Mini quiches

Mini quiches

Bacon and onion

Brie and chives

Brie and pear


Chicken, curry & pineapple

Corn and bell pepper

Feta, tomato and onion

Ground beef

Ground-beef & mushroom

Ham and pineapple

Olive and ham

Roasted bell pepper

Shoarma & bell pepper

Shrimp and brie photo recipe

Smoked salmon

Tomato and chicken

Sundried tomato, goat cheese





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