

1 liter convert conversion yogurt

1 cucumber


4 garlic cloves

(5 leaves mint)

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon parsley



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's Recipe pages - recipe tapas, sauces and herb butter


Preparation in advance:

Place a dish towel in a large strainer and pour the yogurt in. Put the strainer on a bowl and drain for at least 8 hours (overnight) in the fridge. Put the thickened yogurt in a bowl.

Remove the seeds from the cucumber, grate or chop coursely and put the cucumber in the strainer. Sprinkle with the salt. Drain for at least an hour, wash and push the remaining fluid from the cucumber.

How to prepare:

Add cucumber, pressed garlic, (the traditional Greek recipe needs chopped mint), olive oil and parsley to the yogurt and stir well. Let the sauce rest at least an hour and add at flavour some salt and pepper.

Really great when served with: lambkofta, ground beef kebabs, Greek ground beef and Souvlakia.

(And my son's favorite sauce.)



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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