Meat fondue


steak, veal tenderloin, fricandeau, chicken breast, pork liver, ground beef, tenderloin, turkey fillets, (optional shrimps and fish)


mushrooms, pieces bell pepper, pieces onion, spring onion


fondue pan and oil

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's Recipe pages - fondue and gourmet recipes


How to prepare:

Reckon per person 200-250 gr convert conversionmeat. Cut the meat in cubes of approximately 1.5 cm and arrange the cubes meat (chicken separate) on a nice plate (or several plates when fonduing with 4+ persons).

Use fondue forks for the meat. Careful: the forks are getting hot!

Heat the oil, place on a rechaud on the table.

The meat: quick cooking meat cut in cubes. Fry the meat brown in the oil.

Side dish: French bread, lettuce, radise, slices pepper, tomatoes, salad, spring onion, gherkins.

Sauces: for example garlic sauce, cocktail sauce, tzatziki, herb butters.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands

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