Marinated red bell pepper


3 red bell peppers

2 sprigs fresh thyme

1 garlic clove

2 teaspoons parsley

1 spring onion

1 teaspoon paprika powder

60 ml convert conversionolive oil

2 tablespoons red wine


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How to prepare:

Prepare the bell peppers according to the recipe of roasted bell peppers.

Cut in thin strips.

Mix the bell pepper strips in a earthenware or glass bowl with chopped thyme, sliced garlic, chopped parsley and chopped spring onion.

Mix olive oil, vinegar, paprika powder, salt and pepper well and spoon the mixture over the bell peppers. Stir well.

Place the bell peppers for at least 3 hours, better overnight, in the fridge.

Serve at room temperature.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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