Chive sauce


1 liter convert conversionyogurt

2 shallots

1 gherkin

substantial bunch chives

2-4 garlic cloves

2 tblsp gherkin vinegar

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's Recipe pages - recipe sauces and herb butter, gourmet, barbecue and fondue


Preparation in advance:

Put a dish towel in a large strainer and pour the yogurt in.

Place the strainer on a bowl and drain for at least 8 hours (overnight) in the fridge.

How to prepare:

Put the thickened yogurt in a bowl.

Mix with chopped gherkin, chopped shallots, small cut chives, pressed garlic cloves and gherkin vinegar (from the gherkin jar). Stir well.


Delicious at beef kebab and Italian small meatballs.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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