Japanese fish fondue


shrimps, salmon, sole, snapper, haddock etc.

mushrooms, shiitake, bell pepper, cooked potato


200 gr flour convert conversion

6 teaspoons baking powder

2.5 à 3 dl convert conversionice water

(1 eggwhite)


sherry, bouillon, soy sauce or at choice


fondue pan and oil

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How to prepare:

Fish and vegetables are coated with tempura batter, deep fried and eaten with a sauce.

- Arrange the fish on a nice plate (or several plates if more than 4 persons).

- Prepare 200 - 250 gr convert conversionfish per person

- Heat the oil and place on a rechaud on the table.

For frying: large shrimps, scampi or prawns, pieces sole, red snapper, haddock, complete mushrooms, strips bell pepper, slices firm cooked potato.

Tempura batter: mix flour and baking powder in advance and make new batter every 1/2 hour according this recipe).

Tempura sauce: bring in a sauce pan 1 dl sherry with 1 dl bouillon and 2 dl (salt or sweet) soy sauce to boil. Divide the sauce over small bowls, 1 per person.

- The basic tempura sauce can be changed by adding grated horseradish or ginger powder.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands

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