(Hot) Tomato ketchup


1 kg convert conversiontomatoes

300 gr convert conversiononions

1 sour apple

1-2 teaspoons salt

couple of sage leaves

pinch pepper

2 dl convert conversion (tarragon) vinegar

200 gr convert conversionjelly sugar

extra for hot ketchup:

0.5 dl convert conversionsweet soy sauce

some drops tabasco

1 teaspoon ginger powder

1/2 teaspoon curry powder

If shown, hover hover for showing photo= photo hover to show conversion table= conversion
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How to prepare:

Wash the tomatoes and cut in pieces. Peel the onions and chop. Peel the apple, remove the core and chop.

Bring tomatoes, onions and apple to a boil and simmer for ± 30 minutes. Rub the mixture through a strainer in another pan.

Add salt, sage, pepper, vinegar and jelly sugar and reduce for 20 minutes. Stir regularly (the sauce must be thick fluid, if not, reduce a little longer).

Remove sage from the ketchup and pour the sauce in cleaned jars or bowls. Optional sterilise or freeze.

For hot ketchup add, when adding the jelly sugar, sweet soy sauce, tabasco, ginger powder and curry powder.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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