Mushroom sauce with bacon


250 gr convert conversionmushrooms

little butter

50 gr convert conversionsliced streaky bacon

50 gr butter convert conversion

2 large tablespoons flour

300 ml water convert conversion

1 herbs soup base tablet

1 tablespoon parsley


(200 gr convert conversioncooked chicken)

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's Recipe pages - recipe sauces and herb butter


How to prepare:

Slice the mushrooms. Slow cook the slices in little butter so they remain white. Fry the bacon crisp in a dry frying pan.

Melt 50 gr convert conversionbutter over low heat and add the flour. Let simmer a minute and add the water and soup base tablet. Bring to a boil while whipping well and add optional some water until the base is thick fluid.

Add mushrooms, crumbled bacon and parsley and let the sauce simmer about 10 minutes over very low heat.

Delicious with Wiener schnitzel, steak or (with some cooked and chopped chickenmeat and 200 ml convert conversionwater instead of 300) in a puff pastry tart.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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