Lime meringue

(36 pcs)


18 slices puff pastry

125 gr convert conversionsugar

30 gr convert conversioncornstarch

2 teaspoons lime peel

75 ml convert conversionlime juice

1.9 dl water convert conversion

30 gr butter convert conversion

2 egg yolks

3 egg whites

125 gr convert conversionsugar


3 12 mold muffin pan


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's Recipe pages - recipe cookies, pie and pastry making


How to prepare:

Preheat the oven to 180°C/360°F (fan oven 160°C/310°F). Grease the muffin pans.

Roll each slice puff pastry a little larger and cut 2 circles of 7 cm from each slice.

Place the circles in the molds and puncture with a fork small holes in the dough. Bake 12-15 minutes till golden brown. Remove the pastry from the molds and let cool.

Put sugar, cornstarch, grated lime peel, lime juice and water in a large pan. Bring over medium heat, while stirring, to a boil till the mixture thickens. Remove the pan from the heat and add, stirring, the butter. Add, beating well, 1 by 1 the egg yolks. Spoon 1 large teaspoon of the mixture in the pastry cups.

Beat the egg whites to stiff peaks. Add bit by bit the sugar. Beat till the sugar is dissolved and the mixture shines. Spoon 1 tablespoon on each cup.

Bake the meringues in 4-5 minutes pale brown. (Make twists of the rest of the dough.)



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands

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