Puff pastry


500 gr flour convert conversion

500 gr butter convert conversion


250 gr convert conversionwater


- a pre-made slice puff pastry is 45 grams convert conversionin the Netherlands

- 1 sheet is about 15 x 15 cm

- use for each in the recipes mentioned slice puff pastry 50 gr home-made

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's Recipe pages - recipe puff pastry, basic recipes


How to prepare:

Make of 400 gr convert conversionof the butter on plastic foil a square slice of approximately 20 x 20 cm and place the slice 15 minutes in the fridge.

Sift flour and add water, salt and the last 100 gr, in small pieces sliced, butter. Knead to a smooth dough. Let rest 5 minutes in the fridge.

Roll the dough, on a flour dusted working surface, to a slice of 30 x 30 cm and place the slice butter on the dough. Fold the dough completely over the butter.

* Roll the slice, on a flour dusted working surface, to a sheet of 8 mm thick and 3 times as long as it is wide. Fold 1/3 of the sheet in and cover with the other 1/3 (there must be 3 layers now). Turn the slice a quarter and roll again to 8 mm thick, fold again. Take care that the slice doesn't stick to the working surface (dust flour when it happens). Place the folded dough for at least 30 minutes in the fridge.* Repeat the procedure between * * another two times.

The dough can be frozen or used immediately.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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