Crunchy cream cake


100 gr convert conversionsugar

200 gr convert conversionhazelnut crunch

60 gr butter convert conversion

6 egg whites

6 egg yolks

50 gr flour convert conversion



750 ml convert conversionwhipping cream

200 gr convert conversionhazelnut crunch

1 substantial tblsp sugar



springform Ø 22-24 cm

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How to prepare:

Do not preheat the oven.

Beat butter in a bowl creamy. Add 1 by 1 the yolks and bit by bit the sugar. Beat till you have a creamy mass and the sugar is dissolved. Add flour and hazelnut crunch to the yolk-mixture. Beat in another bowl the egg whites to stiff peaks and carefully fold into the yolk-mixture.

Grease a springform, line with the dough and place the form in the cold oven. Heat to 140°C/280°F (fan oven 130°C/270°F). Bake the cake 60 minutes and let cool on a wire rack.

Beat whipping cream to peaks and add bit by bit the sugar. Cut the cooled cake horizontal, divide 2/3 part of the cream over the bottom and place the top layer. Coat the complete cake with the rest of the cream. Roll the sides through the crunch and divide the rest over the top. Sufficient for 12-16 pieces.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands

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