Tenderloin kebab

(± 30 pcs)


750 gr convert conversionpork tenderloin

0.5 dl convert conversion ginger syrup

0.5 dl convert conversionsweet soy sauce

1 tablespoon vinegar

1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon ginger powder (at flavour)

1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon garlic powder (at flavour)



± 30 skewers


If shown, hover hover for showing photo= photo hover to show conversion table= conversion
's Recipe pages - recipe for to barbecue/spit-roasting


Preparation in advance:

Cut the tenderloin in slices of 1.5 cm thick. Cut a slice, if too large, in two.

Mix the ginger syrup, sweet soy sauce, vinegar, ginger powder and garlic powder well in a bowl. Add the meat to the marinade, mix well and place covered for at least 3 hours (better 1 night) in the fridge. Mix now and then.

How to prepare:

Soak the skewers at least 30 minutes in water and thread the meat photo recipe.

Roast or broil the kebabs in the oven or grill on the barbecue in 8-10 minutes brown.

Turn the skewers regular.

Serve with sate sauce.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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