Pizzetta with potato

(48 pcs)


1 teaspoon dried yeast

160 ml water convert conversion

(1/2 teaspoon sugar)

300 gr flour convert conversion


50-75 ml convert conversionolive oil

400 gr convert conversioncooked potatoes

2 tablespoons olive oil extra

1 tablespoon rosemary





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's Recipe pages - pizza recipes, Italian, potato meal


How to prepare:

Put yeast (and sugar) with 80 ml lukewarm water in a bowl and let rest for 10 minutes at a warm place.

Sift flour with salt in a bowl. Add the yeast mixture, the oil and 80 ml convert conversionwater and knead in 5 minutes to a soft and smooth dough. Put the dough in a bowl, grease with a little oil. Place, covered, for 1 hour at a warm place until the dough has doubled in size.

Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F (fan oven 200°C/395°F).

Knead the dough about 1 minute. Divide the dough in 48 little balls and roll to circles of 5 cm. Divide the circles on a greased baking sheet. Cut the cooked potatoes in thick slices. Place a slice potato in the middle of each dough circle, leaving a small edge free. Cover the pizzetta's with olive oil and sprinkle with rosemary and salt.

Bake 12-15 minutes crispy and pale brown in the oven.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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