Pizza muffins

(12 pcs)


1 recipe pizza dough

1 recipe tomato sauce

1 onion

1/4 bell pepper

100 gr convert conversionfeta

100 gr convert conversionsalami

2 large tablespoons grated cheese



2 6 mold muffin pans


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's Recipe pages - pizza recipes, Italian


Preparation in advance:

Make the pizza crust dough and the tomato sauce according to the basic recipes but keep 2 of the canned tomatoes apart.

Chop the onion and the bell pepper and fry, with little butter and salt, till onion is translucent.

How to prepare:

Preheat the oven to 225°C/440°F (fan oven 210°C/400°F).

Cube the feta and salami small. Mix with onion, pepper and small cut kept tomatoes.

Roll the pizza dough, on a flour dusted working surface, very thin and cut with a large glass circles about 4 cm larger than the molds. Fill the greased molds with the pieces of dough. Spoon feta-mixture in, top with 1/2 tablespoon of tomato sauce and garnish with grated cheese.

Bake the pizza muffins 15-18 minutes and serve hot.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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