Cat tongues


100 gr butter convert conversion

100 gr convert conversionicing sugar

2 large egg whites

100 gr flour convert conversion

1/2 vanilla bean


some butter




piping bag


If shown, hover hover for showing photo= photo hover to show conversion table= conversion
's Recipe pages - recipe cookies, pie and pastry making


How to prepare:

Stir the butter until it's very soft.

Add the icing sugar and the slightly beaten egg whites. Stir well.

Stir the sifted flour and the vanilla seeds into the mixture.

Preheat the oven to 175°C/350°F (fan oven 160°C/310°F) and grease a baking sheet with little butter.

Fill the piping bag with the mixture and pipe 8 cm long straight lines on the sheet.


Bake the cat tongues 13-15 minutes until golden brown.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands

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