Apple pie 2


200 gr flour convert conversion

2 tablespoons cold water

pinch salt

150 gr butter convert conversion

500 gr applesauce convert conversion (fresh or from a jar)

3 tablespoons cornstarch

500 gr apples convert conversion

50 gr (sugarfree) apricot marmalade

3 tablespoons apricot liquor

75-100 gr sliced almonds convert conversion



springform Ø 24-26 cm


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's Recipe pages - recipe pie and pastry making


How to prepare:

Sift flour on a work area, make a hole in the middle and add water and salt. Divide cold butter in small pieces over and knead, with cool hands, quickly to a coherent dough.

Wrap the dough in foil and let rest about 30 minutes in the fridge.

Preheat the oven to 200°C/395°F (fan oven 180°C/360°F).

Grease the springform pan and line with the dough, including the sides, and bake the bottom 20 minutes.

Mix the applesauce with the cornstarch. Peel the apples, cut in parts and remove the cores. Spoon the applesauce in the pie bottom and divide the slices apple.

Mix the marmalade with the liquor or brandy and brush it over the apples.

Sprinkle the almonds along the sides and bake the pie 30 minutes in the oven.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands

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