Poached pear


1 kilo pears

50-100 gr convert conversionsugar

(1 dl convert conversionred berry juice

or red wine)

1 cinnamon stick

2 teaspoons cornstarch


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How to prepare:

Peel the pears. Cook small pears complete (keep the stem attached) or cut in 2 or 4 (and remove core and stem). Place the pears in a thick-bottomed pan with as much water to cover the pears exactly. Add the cinnamon stick  photo recipe.

Simmer for 2 ŕ 4 hours (depending on the pears, optional add more water). Add the last 1/2 hour the sugar. If the pears don't get red by themself add the red berries juice or wine when adding the sugar.

Spoon the pears, when red, from the water, remove the cinnamon stick and bind some of the fluid with, in little water dissolved, cornstarch or sago. Pour the fluid over the pears.

Eat cold or warm photo recipe.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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