Stuffed Jalapeno poppers

(± 24 pcs)


24 mild pepperoni/jalapenos

125 gr convert conversioncheddar

200 gr convert conversioncream cheese


75 gr flour convert conversion

3 eggs

175 gr convert conversioncorn flour

125 gr convert conversionbreadcrumbs



oil, for frying

sour cream


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's Recipe pages - recipe tapas, vegetable


How to prepare:

Use peppers of equal size. Wash and dry with kitchen paper.

Make lenghtwise a cut in each pepper. Remove seed and seed membranes. Combine the grated cheddar and cream cheese and fill the pepper.

Put the flour on a plate and the beaten eggs in a bowl. Combine corn flour and breadcrumbs on a flat plate. Coat the peppers with the flour, the egg and the breadcrumbs. Place the peppers for one hour in the fridge. Coat with egg and breadcrumbs again and place another hour in the fridge.

Fill a (deep fryer) pan for a third with oil. Heat the oil to 180°C/360°F.

Fry the peppers in small quantities golden brown.

Drain on kitchen paper and serve the stuffed jalapeno's with the sour cream.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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