Pizza onion/olive


1 recipe pizza dough

1 recipe olive tapenade

1 roasted bell pepper

3 large onions

50-100 cheese



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's Recipe pages - pizza recipes, Italian


Preparation in advance:

Make the pizza crust dough and the olive tapenade according to the basic recipes and roast the bell pepper.

How to prepare:

Cut the onions in rings and fry 15 minutes in little butter.

Preheat the oven to 250°C/480°F (fan oven 225°C/440°F).

Cover the risen pizza bottom with the olives tapenade and the onions.

Cut the bell pepper in small strips and divide the strips over the pizza.

Cover with grated cheese.

Bake the pizza approximately 12-15 minutes in the upper part of the oven.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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