Cream puffs pie 2


2.5 dl convert conversionmilk

50 gr convert conversionbutter or margarine

1 tablespoon sugar

pinch salt

150 gr flour convert conversion

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

4 medium eggs

500 gr convert conversionfresh strawberries

1/2 liter convert conversionwhipping cream

"Whip it" (cream stabilizer)

50 gr convert conversionsugar



oven, piping bag

springform Ø 22-24 cm


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's Recipe pages - recipe cream puffs, pie and pastry making


Preparation in advance:

Make puffs dough according the basic recipe.

How to prepare:

Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F (fan oven 200°C/395°F).

Flour a greased springform and needle with a piping bag thick batter-rings in the form. The rings must be close to each other so they will connect while baking. Bake the pie 20-30 minutes. Let cool and cut horizontal.

Clean the strawberries and divide over the bottom of the pie. Keep some for garnish.

Beat the cream with sugar and "Whip it" to peaks and spoon 3/4 over the strawberries. Place the top layer and garnish with kept back whipping cream and strawberries.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands

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