

300 gr convert conversionshrimps

1 egg

1.8 dl water convert conversion

1 tablespoon fish sauce

125 gr flour convert conversion

3 spring onions

1 small red pepper

50 gr convert conversionrice noodles


sweet chili sauce



oil for frying

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's Recipe pages - shrimps recipes, fish recipes


Preparation in advance:

Mash half of the shrimps in a kitchen machine. Cut the other half roughly.

Stir egg, water and fish sauce well. Sift the flour into a bowl, make a little hole in the middle, pour the egg-mixture in the hole and mix well.

Add the shrimps, sliced spring onions, chopped red pepper (seeds and membranes removed) and small cut rice noodles (soak 5 minutes in boiling water, drain) to the flour mixture.

How to prepare:

Heat the oil in a wok. Add, 1 tablespoon at the time, the mixture and fry the balls in 3 minutes crispy and golden brown. Drain on kitchen paper and serve with for example sweet chili sauce or another sauce at your choice.

Instead of shrimps you can use other fish in the recipe.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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