Snow balls


125 gr butter convert conversion

250 gr flour convert conversion

5 dl water convert conversion

5 eggs (55 gr)

sugar and salt



oil for frying

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's Recipe pages - recipe old and new year, Yule


This is a puff dough which is deep-fried in oil: very light and puffy. After frying you can throw away the oil: it gets very dirty.


How to prepare:

Bring the water with the butter and some salt to a boil till the butter is melted.

Add while stirring the sifted flour and keep beating until the dough releases from the pan like a ball. Push the dough flat a few times and remove the pan from the heat.

Let cool for 5 minutes and add optional some sugar. Add, beating well, the eggs 1 by 1. Each egg must be completely taken by the dough before adding the next.

Heat the oil, which at first should not be too hot: the oil must get hotter during frying each portion and cool little before frying the next portion.

Make with 2 tablespoons balls of the dough and let the snowballs slide into the oil. Heat the oil up. The snow balls have to puff up strongly. Fry the snow balls golden brown.

Drain on kitchen paper and sprinkle with lots of icing sugar.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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