Indian chutney


500 gr convert conversionpeeled apples

500 gr convert conversionpeeled cucumber

300 gr convert conversionplums

500 gr convert conversiontomatoes

300 gr convert conversionpeeled onions

75 gr convert conversionpeeled shallots

75 gr convert conversionpeeled garlic

300 gr convert conversionsugar

2-4 teaspoons salt

1 tablespoon dried chilipepper

1 tablespoon cloves

1 tablespoon white peppercorns

1.5 tablespoon mustard seed

1 tablespoon ginger root

6 dl convert conversionvinegar

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's Recipe pages - recipe cannings fruit and vegetable


Preparation in advance:

Cut the apples in pieces and cook until they are getting soft.

Chop the other (cleaned) vegetables and fruit roughly and season with sugar and salt.

Mix with the apples and let rest for 12 hours on a cool spot.

How to prepare:

Put the herbs in a cotton cloth.

Bring all ingredients with the vinegar in a large pan to a boil and let softly simmer for 4 hours in a covered pan.

Spoon the chutney in clean, hot and sterilised jars, close and store in a cold place.

Use as a sambal at curry dishes.

Preservable for 3 months.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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