Poffert or Broeder

Dutch bread (without oven)


2 dl convert conversionlukewarm milk

1 teaspoon dried yeast

200 gr flour convert conversion

(or 100 gr flour

and 100 gr convert conversionbuckwheat flour)

1 egg

5 gr convert conversionsalt

100 gr convert conversioncurrants and raisins

little butter


kugelhopf pan


If shown, hover hover for showing photo= photo hover to show conversion table= conversion
's Recipe pages - recipe baking your own bread, stuffed buns


How to prepare:

Mix the lukewarm milk with yeast and let rest 10 minutes.

Sift the flour, add the yeast mixture, egg, salt and currants and raisins.

Let rise for 15 minutes.

Grease a kugelhopf pan with butter and fill to a maximum of 2/3 with the batter.

Place the kugelhopf pan in a pan with boiling water and cook for 1,5-2 hour.

Turn the poffert on a plate and serve thick slices with kitchen syrup and butter.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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