Bruschetta with pesto and sundried tomato


1 French bread or ciabatta

10 sun dried tomatoes

150 gr Parmesan cheese



50 gr convert conversionbasil

50 gr convert conversionpecan nuts

60 ml convert conversionolive oil

2 garlic cloves



kitchen machine or blender


If shown, hover hover for showing photo= photo hover to show conversion table= conversion
's Recipe pages - recipe baking your own bread, stuffed buns


How to prepare:

Cut the French bread or the ciabatta in slices of 1 cm. Toast on both sides golden brown. Soak the sun dried tomatoes in some (boiling) water.

Mash basil, pecan nuts, oil and garlic for the pesto in a kitchen machine or a blender to a smooth paste.

Cover the toast with the pesto-mixture.

Garnish with some strips sun-dried tomato and the grated Parmesan cheese.

(The pesto can be kept for 2 days under a thin layer of oil in the fridge. Some other pesto recipes you'll find here)



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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