Chess boards


200 gr flour convert conversion

125 gr convert conversionbutter or margarine

65 gr convert conversionsugar

1 tablespoon cocoa

1 tablespoon sugar



baking oven

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's Recipe pages - recipe cookies, pie and pastry making


Preparation in advance:

Knead flour, butter and sugar to a dough. Place 30 minutes in the fridge to firm.

How to prepare:

Divide the dough in 3 equal pieces. Mix the sugar and cocoa into 1/3 part. Roll the brown dough and 1/2 of the white dough, on a flour dusted working surface, to 2 rectangles of 1 cm thick and 10 cm wide. Cut 10 strips of 1 cm wide lenghtwise of the white and brown dough.

Pile the 20 strips alternately beside and up to each other. The pile must be 5 strips wide and 4 strips high.

Roll the last 1/3 part white dough to a very thin rectangle as long as the strips. Roll the piled up strips firm in the last dough slice (it must remain a square) and place the roll 60 minutes in the fridge.

Preheat the oven to 200°C/395°F (fan oven 180°C/360°F).

Cut slices of 3/4 cm thick of the roll (it must resemble a chess-board) and place the cookies on a greased baking sheet. Bake 10-15 minutes and let cool on a wire rack.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands

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