Yakitori kebab

(± 25-30 pcs)


3 double chicken breasts

1 dl convert conversionsaké

1.5 dl convert conversionjapanese soy sauce

1 dl convert conversionmirin

2 tablespoons sugar

spring onions


± 30 skewers

If shown, hover hover for showing photo= photo hover to show conversion table= conversion
's Recipe pages - oriental recipes, chicken meals, barbecue recipes


How to prepare:

Soak wooden skewers at least 30 minutes in water.

Cut the chicken meat in cubes of 1 x 1 x 2 cm.

Mix saké, soy sauce, mirin and sugar in a sauce pan and bring it to a boil.

Remove the pan from the heat and let cool.

Thread alternate pieces chicken and (appr. 2 cm long) spring onion pieces to the skewers.

Coat the chicken well with the sauce and place the kebabs on a baking sheet with aluminium foil.

Broil under a preheated roaster or grill on the barbecue the yakitori in 7-8 minutes well done. Turn regular and drizzle with the sauce.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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