Bacon wrapped fillet tenderloin


2 tenderloins of 300 gr convert conversion

2 tablespoons mustard

12-20 slices bacon or streaky bacon



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's Recipe pages - meat meals, pork meat, Yule


Preparation in advance:

Coat each tenderloin with 1 tablespoon mustard. Wrap the slices bacon around and let a new slice partly cover the previous, till the meat is completely covered.

Fix bacon and meat with a cotton thread.

How to prepare:

Preheat the oven to 225°C/440°F (fan oven 200°C/395°F).

Place the tenderloins on a piece aluminium foil on a roast rack. Bend the foil-edges up a little. Roast or grill the tendeloins about 20 minutes.

Serve immediately with for example haricot beans (from freezer or jar).

* The bacon gives a delicious flavour and the meat won't get dry.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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