Shrimp kebab with ham

(5-8 pcs)


± 300 gr (frozen) peeled shrimps

1 teaspoon fish spices

100 gr convert conversionparma or dried ham



5-8 skewers

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's Recipe pages - recipe shrimps, fish, barbeque and grilling


Preparation in advance:

(Let the shrimps thaw.)

Season the shrimps with the fish spices, mix well and let rest for 2 hours.


How to prepare:

Soak wooden skewers for at least 30 minutes in water.

Pull or cut the slices ham in long strips, wrap a strip around each shrimp and thread 4 - 6 shrimps to each skewer photo recipe.

Grill the shrimp kebabs 2-3 minutes on both sides on the barbecue or in the oven.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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