Stuffed herring rolls


4 herrings

50 gr convert conversionshrimps

1/2 can green peas

lemon juice

125 gr convert conversionsour cream


cocktail skewers

2 tomatoes

iceberg lettuce

1 lemon

1-2 hard boiled eggs


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's Recipe pages - fish meals


How to prepare:

Divide the cleaned herrings into fillets.

Make of shrimps, drained peas, lemon juice, sour cream and chopped parsley a mixture (keep some shrimps back for the garnish).

Divide the stuffing over the herring fillets, wrap and fix with a skewer.

Place each roll on a slice tomato and top with a slice egg. Garnish with some shrimps.

Cover a plate with lettuce and place the herring rolls in the middle.

Garnish with slices lemon and egg.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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