Cheese mini-puffs

(± 45-60 pcs)


1.5 dl water convert conversion

pinch salt

75 gr butter convert conversion

90 gr convert conversionsifted flour

3 eggs (55 gr convert conversioneach)

cheese sauce:

200 gr convert conversioncheese

2 tablespoons butter

3 tablespoons flour

1 tablespoon parsley

1,5-2 dl convert conversionmilk



(piping bag)


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's Recipe pages - cheese recipes, party food

See for the preparation of the puffs the recipe cream mini-puffs photo recipe, make (with a piping bag) dough humps at the size of a substantial teaspoon.


How to prepare:

Grate the cheese roughly. Melt the butter over low heat and add the flour. Simmer a minute and add 1.5 dl milk. Stir well with a whisk and add optional some more milk. The sauce must be thick fluid. Add little by little the grated cheese. Remove the pan from the heat as soon as the cheese has melted and add the parsley (or use chives and a pinch garlic powder).

Let the mixture cool to lukewarm and fill a piping bag with a sharp needle photo recipe.

Fill the cheese mini-puffs and serve at room temperature photo recipe.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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