Mince meat


1 large green apple peeled and grated

100 gr convert conversionsultana raisins

100 gr convert conversionraisins, sliced

100 gr convert conversiondried currants

50 gr convert conversionmixed citrus peel

2 tablespoons ginger in syrup

sliced peel and juice of 1 lemon

sliced peel and juice of 1 orange

60 gr convert conversionpeeled chopped almonds

2 teaspoons cookie spices

75 gr convert conversiondark brown caster sugar

50 ml convert conversionwhisky

50 gr convert conversionmelted butter


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's Recipe pages - recipe cannings fruit


How to prepare:

Mix all (chopped) ingredients in a large, non metal bowl and stir well.

Cover the bowl and let the mixture rest 24 hours. Stir now and then.

Spoon the mixture in hot, sterilised jars and close airtight immediately.

Label the jars with contents and date.

Let rest for 1-2 weeks before consumption.

Preservable for 1 year at a cold, dark place.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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