Welsh rarebit


250 gr convert conversioncheddar cheese

± 0.5 dl convert conversioncoffee cream or dark beer

4 slices (brown) bread

1 teaspoon mustard


freshly ground pepper

fresh parsley leaves


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's Recipe pages - recipe baking your own bread, stuffed buns


How to prepare:

Grate the cheese and put half of it with the coffee cream or beer in a bowl.

Warm au-bain-marie till the cheese has melted.

Roast the bread and keep warm.

Stir mustard, salt and some freshly ground pepper into the warm cheese mixture and warm while stirring (still au-bain-marie) for 2 minutes. The sauce must get creamy.

Pour the sauce over the roasted slices bread, divide the rest of grated cheese and let the Welsh rarebit get golden brown under a hot grill.

Garnish with parsley and serve immediately.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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