Bruschetta with bell pepper and brie


1 French bread or ciabatta

2 long thin bell peppers

100 gr butter convert conversion

200 gr convert conversionbrie

200 gr convert conversionmonchou

1 tablespoon oregano




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's Recipe pages - recipe baking your own bread, stuffed buns


Preparation in advance:

Cut off the bell peppers on the stalk side the bottom and remove the seeds carefully.

Stir the butter till soft. Rub the brie, including the outside, through a strainer and add with the monchou to the butter. Stir and mash well.

Season the mixture with little pepper and oregano.

Stuff the bell peppers with this mixture.

Place the bell peppers a couple of hours in the fridge to firm.

How to prepare:

Cut the French bread or the ciabatta in slices of 1 cm.

Toast on both sides golden brown.

Slice the bell peppers and divide over the toasted bread.

Serve at room temperature.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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