Mixed salad

(6 servings)


green vegetables:


raw spinach


corn salad lettuce



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How to prepare:

Mix for 6 persons 4 cups green vegetables (on the left) and 4 cups of 2 of the following vegetables well.

Raw vegetables:

broccoli florets, cauliflower florets, strips celery, slices cucumber, thin slices or diced bell pepper, slices leek or shallots, slices mushroom, sliced radish, slices tomatoes, slices/diced courgette, green olives, black olives.

Cooked vegetables (cold):

asparagus, asparagus tips or pieces haricots.

The salad will become extra delicious by adding one or more of the following ingredients to the salad: anchovy, fried and crumbled bacon, crumbled blue cheese, grated mature cheese, slices hard boiled egg, pressed garlic, grated Parmesan cheese, chopped walnuts.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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