Chocolate mousse

(8 servings)


1 tablespoon cocoa

1/2 liter convert conversionwhipping cream

4 sheets gelatin

sweetener at flavour

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

2 egg whites




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How to prepare:

Mix cocoa with half of the whipping cream. Heat to lukewarm.

Soak the gelatin in cold water, squeeze well and dissolve in the warm cocoa-cream mixture. Add chopped walnuts and sweetener at flavour.

Beat the rest of the whipping cream with sweetener and vanilla sugar to peaks.

Beat the egg whites (with sweetener) to peaks.

Fold the cooled chocolate mixture into the whipped cream and fold the mixture into the beaten egg whites.

Let the chocolate mousse stiffen for 4 hours in the fridge before serving.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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