Figs in rum


500 gr convert conversiondried figs

1.5 dl convert conversionstrong cold tea

1 dl convert conversiondark rum

1 cinnamon stick

30 gr convert conversiondark brown sugar

1 lemon

1 orange



2 500 ml preserving jars

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's Recipe pages - recipe cannings fruit


How to prepare:

Bring figs, tea, rum and cinnamon stick in a large pan with a thick bottom slowly to a boil.

Reduce the heat and cook the figs in 25-30 minutes soft. Add, while stirring, the sugar.

Squeeze the lemon and orange in a bowl.

Peel the lemon and orange: remove the white sheets and the cut the peels in thin slices. Add the peel to the fig mixture and cook another 5 minutes.

Add the lemon and orange juice, remove the cinnamon stick.

Pour the mixture in hot, sterilised jars and close airtight.

The jars can be kept at a cold, dark place for a maximum of 1 year.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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