Soup, how to

- tips and tricks


thicken soup:

Mix flour or cornstarch with little water and stir it into the soup. Cook for at least a couple of minutes. No flour or cornstarch in your cupboard? Add a fine grated potato right in the beginning.


make canned soup look homemade:

Give canned soup your own touch: add for example some cream, sherry or madeira, or sprinkle some herbs like parsley and bell pepper over. Homemade croûtons: dice some slices (old) white bread, sprinkle with some herbs and little salt and roast the dice under the grill in the oven.


use of salt in soup:

When you're making soup for the next day don't add too much salt: The soup will taste saltier when kept overnight.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands



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