Freeze, how to

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Freezer bags have boxes where you can write on: note contens and the durability date: check your freezer 1 time a month and separate which must be eaten that month.


Electrical powerout/removal: Depending on the size of the freezer and the frozen contents a closed freezer will keep for 8-14 hours the temperature around the -16°C if you keep the door closed. Removal: last in the carriage, first out.


Freezer bags: Indispensably: bouillon, stew, goulash just as freeze first in square freezer bowl and than in a bag: easily to pile up. Also outside the freezer skilfully: to marinate meat and use for keeping leftover party food instead of cans.


Special ice cubes: Fill the boxes with water and add an olive (for the cocktails) or fresh fruit (for soft drinks and longdrinks).



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands



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