Mustard soup


2-3 tablespoons flour

50 gr butter convert conversion

2 liter convert conversion water

4 herb bouillon cubes

2 tablespoons sharp mustard

2 tablespoons mild mustard

1 small leek

100 gr convert conversioncooked ham


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How to prepare:

Melt the butter over low heat and add the flour.

Simmer a minute and add the water and herb bouillon (broth) cubes. Bring, beating well with a whisk, to a boil.

Stir in the mustard. Taste if mustard (at flavour) must be added.

Cut the leek in very thin slices, add it to the soup and simmer 2-3 minutes.

Cube the ham very small.

Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the ham (or garnish the plates with the chopped ham after spooning in the soup).

Serve the mustardsoup with (French) bread.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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