White cake truffles

(± 25 pcs)


250 gr convert conversioncake

1 tablespoon madeira

2 tablespoons candied orange peel

1 tablespoon apricot jam

2 tablespoons cream

100 gr convert conversionwhite chocolate


150 gr convert conversionwhite chocolate

2 tablespoons coconut butter


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's Recipe pages - recipe candy and luxury chocolates


Preparation in advance:

Cover a baking sheet with baking paper.

Mix the crumbled cake in a bowl with madeira, chopped candied orange peel, jelly, cream and melted chocolate. Stir to a smooth mass.

Make of 2 teaspoons mixture balls, put on a plate and let stiffen for an hour in the fridge.

How to prepare:

Mix grated chocolate and chopped coconut butter for the chocolate layer in a high heatproof bowl. Melt the mixture au-bain-marie.

Dip the balls in the chocolate (with a fork) and let dry on baking paper.



First published: April 12, 2003, Netherlands
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